Motorola has started rolling out the latest Android 4.4 KitKat update to the dual-SIM version of its Moto G smartphone. Size of the update is about 230 and is available over the air. Currently, the update is being rolled out in Malaysia, but we can expect it in other markets very soon.
The latest firmware update brings a slew of new and improved features: new Dialer app, improved Hangouts with SMS/MMS support, updated Google Now as well as the latest version of Google's Photo gallery with Auto Awesome feature. The single SIM variant has already been updated to the KitKat.
The Moto G recently launched in India via Flipkart. With its attractive price point and specifications, the smartphone has already created a lot of buzz in the country. If you are looking to buy the smartphone, do check out our detailed Moto G review.
Source:- ThinkDigit