Thats the time when you are looking for a wireless Datacard or USB option to get connected wireless all over India while travelling and let me introduce you with the Top3 available wireless data card connections -
- Reliance Netconnect – Reliance is currently the best wireless connection in India which can be used for bothlaptops and desktops and the monthly subscriptions start from just 400Rs/month and currently a promotional offer is running where in a free data card is offered. The download speeds are ranging from 15-25kbps when you opt in for unlimited data download package which is the best download speed offered in India on wireless internet connections.
- Tata Indicom Plug 2 Surf – Tata indicom broadband offers a internet compatible connection for laptops and PC’s where in you can surf internet anywhere in india with internet speeds upto 153 kbps though the practical speed is 20kbps only. The USB modem rental starts from 99Rs/month with time based and data based plans. You can get more information on this at
- Airtel Wireless – With Airtel’s Wireless Internet, you have the freedom to access the Internet anytime, anywhere across India. It enables Internet, Email, and Office applications with real-timesecure VPN access to corporate applications whilst on the move.Airtel Data Card is the superior PC Data Card solution which delivers wireless internet capabilities to laptops and notebooks, by providing EDGE and GPRS technologies in a single PC Card package.
Reliance brings you and keep you updated with latest postpaid and prepaid offers. reliance usb data card tariff provides great value of money, facilitates simply plug and play option. Reliance connecting 24.000 towns. 6 lakhs villages, reliance data card recharge online provide high-speed wireless internet access at an unrestricted speed of 21 Mbps. Reliance offers you no seperate charge for data, that's how much you save with reliance 3G.